Ever since the movie, “Twilight-Eclipse”, if someone would say, “newborn” to me I would immediately think of vampires and armies…pathetic, I know. And, yes, I am admitting publicly to having seen “Eclipse” more than once!
But, ‘newborn’, has now taken on a whole new, wonderful meaning for me, and I will never forget the experience I am having right now. I have been helping sister-in-law with feeding her babe every 3 hours, day and night. While she pumps, after breast-feeding, I feed babe with formula until he is milk-drunk.
I like milk-drunk, and I think more people should be milk-drunk, over, say, drunk-drunk. Milk-drunk is funny and cute and…milky. Babe’s little eyes take on a stoned sort of look, and his little arms and legs become floppy and wobbly…more floppy and wobbly than normal. And, he literally passes out in any position, anywhere…not that we’ve tried any other position than in our arms, of course. I’m just guessing that if we let the dog take over babe’s care, he would not notice the difference. Don’t worry we won’t be trying that…I have mentioned that my brother is protective, and huge.
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