My, my, it has been a few days since I've written. I'm not sure why the days seem to be flying by so quickly! I wanted to send you a little update on how I've been filling my days of late:
-I've been cooking from Simply in to the Station's cookbook, it's the best and most beautiful book to cook from. And, great guy never complains!
-I started tutoring kids in English (a language which I can confidently say I know). So far, I have 5 students - a 12 year old boy, 3 15-year-old girls, and a 17-year-old girl. I like it, and so far I have been able to answer their questions...or, at least they've been polite enough to pretend that I did!
-once a week (that's the most I can commit to at this point in time, because it's still really hard) I run 5km. It's not super far, but it's a big deal for me! And, in between, I give myself a break and only run 3km. And, in between that, I eat...a lot.
-great guy and I continue to make our little place more and more cozy. We have been frequenting flea markets every weekend and are accumulating many cool, old treasures (aka junk). Today, he hung up my new favorite find from yesterday's market, a turquoisy, blue clock with a stainless steel frame from the '70's. It adds a little splash of colour to our kitchen-y area.
-this week we had a couple of great evenings with friends. Great guy knows some lovely people who are smart and funny and kind. They seem to be happy that I'm here (at least they make me feel that way) and for that I'm so grateful. I'm looking forward to a summer of hanging outside with these new peeps.
-on Wednesday, I have an interview. Not a big deal, I've had lots of successful interviews (because I don't ever stay in a job for very long), except that this one is in GERMAN! Oh my. I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter, that the worst thing that can happen is I don't get the job. And, then I will never, ever shop in that store again!!
-and, today...I started teaching English! Yup, that's right, you heard me. I know that you're probably thinking, "Oh my, those poor students -she is not a teacher!!" And, I was thinking that the entire time too. But, it actually went okay for the initial outing. I'm teaching great guy's friends, Gert and Dora (I call her that because she reminds of a lighter, more German version of Dora the Explorer - small and spunky). They want to learn English, from the beginning, with the hopes of someday opening a B & B in a land far, far away. So, English is a necessity. They are very nice students for me to have.
-oh, and we're still trying to win over the little katze with love, soft cooing and food!
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